Mosquitoes around the swimming pool? Natasha’s story

Natasha reflects on becoming ill with dengue and thinks she may have been infected when visiting a swimming pool at night – a place at which she often spends time with her friends. Natasha received treatment in hospital where she was given saline through an IV. Although only about 1 in 4 dengue cases are symptomatic1, Natasha is now worried about getting dengue again from places where she “hangs around a lot” with her friends, such as the swimming pool. Natasha’s advice to people living in dengue endemic countries is to “always keep in mind you could get dengue at any time”.
This video features real individuals sharing their experiences with dengue. The video reflects a patient’s specific experience and is not intended to represent those of a typical patient. Given the nature of dengue, symptoms and experiences will vary.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Available at: Accessed March 2024.